According to the FCC's guidlines "material is indecent if, in context, it depicts or describes sexual or excretory organs or activities in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium." Theoretically that means anytime the word dick is uttered if it could be substituted with "penis" and still maintain the original intent of the sentence than it is offensive.
To be fair "bitch" has several connotations from "to complain" through to the more standard relationship to a disliked female. Yet because "bitch" doesn't refer to a specific sexual organ we are not shielded by the FCC from this content. Of course "bitch" refers to the woman as a whole, something most people would find more objectionable than a reference to a single part of a person. So it's ok to be disrespectful to a woman as a whole but if you refer to, or godforbid, expose part of her sexual anatomy, like Janet's nipple, then we're in serious obscene territory.
In this post-Super Bowl Nipplegate era the double standard of the FCC has become quite clearly delineated. A female nipple shown during 6am-10pm is clearly a threat to American morality, despite the fact that all humans have nipples and that one can argue the primary function of female nipples is as a conduit for infant nourishment not sexuality. While it could be a jump into areas relegated to conspiracy theorists, one could see this bias as a continuation of the subjugation of women by creating an atmosphere where their bodies are either objects of potential sin that must remain covered, one could ask how far the logical line is from labeling nipples obscene to the point where the entire body must be covered by a burka to protect the decency of civilization.
1 comment:
Isn't it the problem that there are always some groups of people, who want to pick on something, whatever it is? And we are in general more generous to hunting men than caring women.
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